Gold has long been a sought-after commodity not only for its price, which it still holds to this day, but also for its miraculous effects.

It was not in vain that world rulers had their jewels and other "treasures" made of real gold.

Have you ever heard what the effects are? If not, immerse yourself in this golden adventure. And if you already aware of this information, we believe that this amazing fact will fascinate you again and again, just like us at here at RECLAR.

Man first encountered gold many thousands of years ago. It’s lustre, flexibility, tensibility, easy processability and high weight enhanced its rarity, durability and indestructibility. Gold is not toxic, does not wear, corrode or lose its shine.

At the same time, gold was often connected with numerous magical and mystical ideas. Since ancient times gold has become a symbol of good fortune, wealth and also has healing properties.

Records of medicinal procedures from Alexandria, Egypt are more than 5000 years old. References to the "elixir" of liquid gold are preserved, which state: the presence of gold in the body revitalises cells, rejuvenates and cures a number of diseases, restores strength and health. So the Egyptians used gold to purify the mind, body and spirit. They believed that gold helps stimulate life force and energy.

Dnes se zlato hojně používá mj. v medicíně, především ve stomatologii, ale i v chirurgii pro jeho regenerační vlastnosti. Denně chirurgové používají zlaté nástroje a zlatem potažený laser. Homeopatický přípravek Aurum metallicum vyrobený z mletého zlata tiší bolest, zmírňuje otoky, pomáhá při fobiích všeho druhu a předepisuje se také při depresivních stavech a destrukci kostí. Setkat se se zlatem můžeme i v moderní gastronomii při přípravě nekonvenčních jídel.Přidání zlata pozitivně ovlivňuje látkovou výměnu a zpomaluje proces stárnutí. Udržuje organismus v rovnováze.

Today, gold is widely used in medicine, especially in dentistry, but also in surgery for its regenerative properties. Every day, surgeons use gold instruments and even gold-plated lasers. The homeopathic product Aurum metallicum made of ground gold soothes pain, relieves swelling, helps with phobias of all kinds and is also prescribed for depressive conditions and bone destruction.

We can also come across gold in modern gastronomy in the preparation of unconventional dishes.

The addition of gold has a positive effect on the metabolism and slows down the ageing process. It also keeps the body in balance.

A great benefit is the use of gold in the cosmetics industry.

Much research shows that gold rejuvenates and brightens the skin and prevents inflammation. It has antioxidant effects, cleanses the skin and stimulates cellular activity. It also prevents skin ageing by promoting collagen production. It improves microcirculation of the blood, which ensures a better supply of nutrients to the deeper layers of the skin. It also regenerates and cools the skin where needed.

Thanks to its ability to refract light, gold-treated skin looks healthier, more youthful and has an irresistibly radiant and clear appearance.

A few more interesting things to end with are… Gold can activate our visual imagination and creativity. It can strengthen self-confidence and help to overcome anxiety. It alleviates the fear of disease and brings inner peace. It cleanses the body and mind.

With its lustre, gold resembles the sun, which has long been considered a source of life energy.

You can try the effects of gold during your daily skin care ritual with RECLAR Peeler GOLD, whose head is plated with 24 carat gold.

Our wish to you is that your inner sun remains shining, as well as your skin.