
Face yoga: A Workout for Your Skin
Face yoga: A Workout for Your Skin

Monna Cheikh is an amazing woman! She comes from a diverse cultural and linguistic background, is a successful business owner, with a Bachelor's and Master's degree, and she’s a certified beautician, face yoga teacher, and mother of three. Monna is a powerhouse. To top it all off, her voice is sweet as honey   you can hear it yourself by simply checking out her Instagram videos. As for me, I was lucky enough to have a conversation with Monna, and here is what she shared with me.

 January resolutions or 6 small steps you can take for your complexion right now
January resolutions or 6 small steps you can take for your complexion right now

New cycle, new beginning, new megalomaniac resolutions – that is what the start of the calendar year looks like for many of us. But we often postpone our great plans again and again, until there is nothing left of them. Whether you're planning to change diet, stop procrastinating, or just want to spend more time on yourself this year, believe us that it's the small steps that lead to lasting changes and bear the sweetest fruit.

Winter holidays - how to survive all the food and stay beautiful
Winter holidays - how to survive all the food and stay beautiful

It is this time of year - our skin is pale, dry and irritated from lack of fresh air and overdose of drastic temperature changes. On top of that, December is usually one of the most stresful months, with all the holiday preparations, plans and parties. Even though it is time filled with joyful encounters, those are usually accompanied with loads carbs and alcohol. All of these factors have negative effect on our skin, our digestion and overal well-being.

Meaningful gifting - don’t let the holiday shopping stress you out
Meaningful gifting - don’t let the holiday shopping stress you out

Some of us love it, some hate it and some just ignore it, but somehow we all get involved. Yes, I am talking about holiday shopping, holiday gifting and generally stressful atmosphere we sometimes find ourselves in these days. Businesses love November and December, as their sales peak in this period, for shoppers on the other hand, spending money at these uncertain times can cause additional discomfort and stress. Let’s see how we can gift effectively, ecologically and meaningfully, while still giving love and care to our beloved.